Why Should I Get My Windows Cleaned?

Don’t be this guy ^

Ever been sitting at one of your favorite restaurants and when you go to look out a window you can’t see anything because of the finger prints or dirt. “Man they need their windows cleaned bad.” you say to yourself. Well I hate to be the mayor of bad news but if your windows are dirty enough some people may be saying that about your house! You’ve probably noticed it yourself and that’s what has lead you down this rabbit hole of the window cleaning world. Well, Welcome, take a seat and just breathe because I promise it isn’t as intimidating as it looks. Right about now you might be wondering “Is there any actual benefits to window cleaning besides just looking pretty?”. I’m here to confirm that there actually is benefits and you will get some return on your investment when it comes to maintaining them as-well. In this short little article we are going to go over why you NEED your windows cleaned.

PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE On-top of looking good you’re actually preserving your windows. As dust and debris pile up on a window from infrequent cleaning it will start to settle onto the window eventually blurring and discoloring it. Regular cleaning and maintaining of the windows makes sure that hard water and acidic rain water doesn’t break down the window on a structural level.

HEAT EFFICIENCY – When a window is clean and clear more light is allowed in. This results in easier heating of the house which saves you money over time. This is especially useful during the winter when you’re trying to keep all the heat you can in the house.

MOOD BOOSTER – I’m sure you already know that humans need Vitamin D. Did you know just how vital it was to the brain for combating depression and other symptoms?

Numerous studies have found lower levels of vitamin D in people who have depression—and that vitamin D supplementation (either via sunlight or through food or supplements) can reduce rates of depression and improve symptoms.

By Sarah Vanbuskirk 
 Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD

STREET APPEAL – Going back to our starting paragraph, no one likes dirty windows. If you are planning to sell your house you chose a great market to do it in as of July 2021. First impressions are everything though, with clean windows you’re guaranteed to leave the impression that you care for your house and kept it in the best condition. When customers see that it will set you apart from all the other houses whose windows are probably still dirty to this day. If you aren’t planning on selling your home and just want clean windows then you can guarantee you’ll be known around the block as the house with the shiny windows.

Convinced you need your windows cleaned yet? If so head on over to the contact page and give us a call for your free estimate. If not I implore you that as you’re continuing down the rabbit hole of window cleaning that you remember to do some stretches and get a glass of water. Last thing we want is for you to have dirty windows AND legs that fell asleep.